Alcohol companies are lifestyle brands. They are advertising a way for people to enjoy themselves with something that reflects who they are. Almost universally, alcohol advertising focuses on the fun and relaxation of enjoying a drink with friends, and the refreshing taste or refinement that comes with their products. Those in the industry also know that there is a tightrope to walk between advertising their great products and encouraging safe consumption. To help with this, beverage companies of all sizes turn to alcohol advertising agencies for help.
Alcohol advertising agencies are dedicated to creating fun, engaging advertising campaigns that embrace the vision and mission of the company, all while staying within local rules and regulations around advertising alcoholic beverages. If you are in the industry, then you already know the benefits that can come with choosing a dedicated advertising company that understands the unique demands of the industry.
That said, some people worry about if these alcohol advertising agencies are perhaps too good at their jobs. That maybe they are encouraging or leading people to alcoholism and dangerous behavior by promoting these products. Today, we go through some modern research on the subject to see the effects of alcohol advertising and why these companies need the expertise of dedicated alcohol advertising agencies to help them properly, and responsibly, advertise their products.
The Effects of Alcohol Advertising
There is a common misconception that alcohol advertising increases consumption of alcohol and ensuing dangerous behavior. Perhaps even more disturbing, there is also a common conception that advertising alcohol can encourage consumption in minors. This is because your average advertisement for drinks makes drinking look fun and encourages people to buy their products. Data about the impact of advertising and its effects on people, specifically in the area of promoting alcoholic beverages, tells a different story.
One of the most important and impactful studies on the subject occurred in the mid-nineties. In a series of studies, the general conclusion was that alcohol advertising did not increase consumption among adults. Instead, it simply encouraged product switching. So rather than turning people into alcoholics, alcohol advertising encouraged people to try new products at roughly the same level.
Alcohol advertising has a different effect on young people, although more research is needed in today’s advertising landscape. Preliminary research has shown that the positive nature of the ads have led younger audiences to take up drinking before the legal age of consumption. Studies in the 90s found children over 12 who watched a lot of alcohol advertising were more likely to start drinking earlier. In some cases, links between advertising and excessive drinking in young adults were also linked. That said, industry standards, laws around advertising and the media landscape itself means more current study is needed.
What Companies Should Know About Alcohol Advertising
So, what does this all mean? For one, the emphasis on advertising encouraging the same consumption but simply switching brands means that advertising needs to convince people to try and switch products rather than add to their existing lifestyle. Unlike clothing, for example, where people can have pieces from multiple companies in their closet, beer and other drinks are about converting people to their products entirely.
Why Brands of all Sizes are Choosing Alcohol Advertising Agencies
With all the above conclusions and research, it can be difficult to come up with an advertising campaign that takes advantage of all of these findings. Moreover, it can be almost impossible to come up with advertising across multiple platforms and media types that meet all the local rules regarding alcohol advertising. For this reason, beverage companies are increasingly turning to alcohol advertising agencies for help.
Alcohol advertising agencies specialize in creating engaging, impactful campaigns that draw on all of the marketing and advertising skills needed to craft creative campaigns. They are well-versed in the rules around the industry and are adept at making campaigns that work together towards conversions and increased sales. If you are a beverage company of any size, relying on the expertise of dedicated alcohol advertising agencies can help ensure your products become the choice of your target demographics.
When looking for advertising agencies that can handle your brand, then make sure you look for ones with experience in the alcohol sales industry. Only alcohol advertising agencies can help you create campaigns that are creative, impactful and responsible.