All You Need to Know About Mortgage Direct Mail Marketing

One thing that a mortgage business requires from its customers is their trust on the company and the services it provides. Convincing a prospective customer to do business with you that involves big money and high stakes is no joke. There are a lot of ways a business could market its offerings and services, but only few could gain the trust of customers and compel them to take actions. One such unique and effective technique is the direct mail marketing and the one used in the mortgage business is known as mortgage direct mail marketing. In this article we will discuss all about this old but gold marketing strategy, list out its advantages in the mortgage industry and also provide tips to improvise the technique and execute it flawlessly.

What is Direct Mail Marketing?

It is a marketing technique where a product/service/offer is advertised to the future customer/client using direct mail. Be it postcards, newsletters, envelopes, brochures, catalogues, flyers or any other form of mail… a business organization will try to convince its customers and convey its message through any of these forms. It is one of the oldest but effective marketing technique used by business and non-profit organizations all over. Rather than making it seem pushy or spammy like sales calls and emails do, direct mail conveys the message in subtle ways using creative postcards and newsletters. They have a high open rate when compared to emails and also convey the message to the customer with a personal touch. This not only helps gain new customers but also retain old customers and earn their trust and respect. Hence, the popularity of mortgage direct mail marketing in the mortgage business.

Advantages of Mortgage Direct Mail Marketing

• Expanding Your Reach- Even if direct mail marketing is your flagship marketing initiative, it doesn’t have to be the only one. In fact, in the age of websites, smartphone apps and social media, you can’t afford to fall back and let these channels go for waste. Considering that direct mail has a high open rate and receives great responses, you can direct your customer to connect with you on these convenient channels and take immediate actions. Rather than obtaining random emails from corny listing sources, you could collect emails of interested customers who visit your site after reading the mail. To sum it up, mortgage direct mail marketing expands your network across online and offline channels, increases your conversion rates and makes your mortgage business look credible.

• Building Relationships and Trust- As told before, a mortgage business has to earn its customer’s trust before it earns money. Newsletters and postcards help a great deal in earning your customer’s trust by conveying important messages in the most subtle, creative and emotional ways possible. This will make the customer feel more valued, respected and understood at the same time. Rather than spammy email marketing which is full of cold facts and corny offers, mortgage direct mail marketing is more emotional and helps in building relationships and trust. It is the best way to introduce yourself to a customer, not too pushy and materialistic, but friendly and respectable.

• Cost Reduction- If you are reading this article, it is certain that you have a certain pre-defined budget on your marketing spending and mortgage direct mail marketing is one of them. The advantage of using this marketing technique is that it helps in reducing your budget to a great extent and influence higher success rates across other marketing channels as well. The open rates and conversion rates of direct mail is easily measurable and based on this data, you will have a refined listing of your own. Thus you can now focus on a limited number of interested customers and achieve high success rates with minimal spending. Moreover, printing postcards and newsletters is cheaper than running TV ads and making radio announcements.

Tips to Improvise Mortgage Direct Mail Marketing

Follow the below mentioned tips to ensure you a successful mailing campaign

• Complementary Offers- Include attractive offers and gifts so that the reader is influenced to take immediate actions.

• Detailed Information- Include every information about the services you offer, including correct contact information. It ensures transparency and trust.

• Handwritten Fonts- Use handwritten fonts to address the mail as it makes the postcard/newsletter more valued and respected.

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